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Впервые термин топоним Полесье упоминается под 1274 годом. Во второй половине XVI в. появляется карта Полесья (Tabula Paludum Polesie Dr Ziekera), изданная в 1560 г. в Гданьске. Термин «Полесье» встречатеся в трудах польских историков XV-XVI вв. Я.Длугоша, М.Кромера, М.Стрыйковского. Так М. Кромер локализировал Полесье между землями Руси, Литвы, Пруссии, Волыни и Мазовии. В карте Восточной Европы, изданной Г. Гарритсом в 1613 г. Полесье заключало в себе обширную область от Бреста до Мозыря и от Пинска до Дубровицы и Волыни.
Этнографические сведения о населении Полесья накапливались на протяжении ряда столетий (записки путешественников, летописные сведения, инвентари, историко-юридические акты и пр.). [5, С.8-9]
Систематическое изучение Полесья началось в первой половине XIX в. Этнографические и фольклорные материалы по Белорусскому Полесью впервые появляются в печати в первой половине XIX в. в исследованиях белорусских и польских краеведов М.Чарновской, Я. Снедецкого, Р. Зенькевича, В. Сырокомли, П. Шпилевского. О Полесье писали польские и украинские ученые Л. Голебёвский, Ю. Крашевский, З. Доленга-Ходаковский, И. Ярошевич.
Ю. Талько-Гринцевич на основе антропологических черт выделял полешуков в самостоятельную группу, отличную от белорусов и украинцев.
П. Шпилевский, сознательно отличал «полесский язык» от белорусского и достаточно точно обозначил границы его распространения: от Вялой (Бяло-Падляски) и Хелма на западе до Синявки на северо-востоке, включая Брестский, Кобринский и Пинский уезды.[16, С.86]
По Волынскому Полесью, древнему его периоду отдельные этнографические сведения содержит второй том «Древней Польши» польских авторов М. Балинского и Т. Липинского. Определенный вклад в изучение этнографии Украинского Полесья внесла Комиссия по описанию губерний Киевского учебного округа (П.Делафлиз). Во второй половине XIX в. изучение Полесья активизируется. Многие сведения по этнографии Полесья содержатся в томах «Материалы для географии и статистики России, собранные офицерами Генерального штаба». Ряд статей по этнографии Полесья появился в 50-х годах XIX в. В различных периодических изданиях (В.Михельсон, А. Братчиков, А. Перлштейн, М. Очаповский и др.). Систематическое и целенаправленное собрание этнографических материалов начинается с основания в 1845 г. Русского географического общества. В Полесье направляются этнографические экспедиции, проводится корреспондентская работа.
Большую роль в выделении полешуков как этноса сыграл П. Чубинский, экспедиция которого в конце 60-х — начале 70-х годов обследовала Мозырский, Пинский, Кобринский и Брестский уезды. Обратив внимание на материальную и духовную культуру, он выделял Полесье как отдельный этнографический район.
Значительные сведения по этнографии Волынского Полесья содержатся в материалах Т. Стецкого, Н. И. Тодоровича, А. Братчикова.
В 80—90-е годы XIX в. появляются исследования по Полесью, проведенные на более высоком научном уровне (М. Довнар-Запольский, О. Кольберг, М. Федоровский, Н. Янчук). По отдельным регионам Полесья или населенным пунктам материалы появляются в публикациях З. Радченко, Д. Булгаковского, Е. Еленской, А Забелина, С. Рокоссовской, К. Брикчинского, П. Литвиновой-Бартош, В. Битнером. В 1883 г выходит первая библиография по Полесью (З. И. Пенкин, В. И. Межов). [5, С.10-13]
Данные этнографии и лингвистики позволили выделить этнографическую общность — «палешуков» или «поліщуков». Наиболее прогрессивными были выводы П. Бобровского, который пришел к выводу, что Полесье является отдельным краем, а полешуки — самостоятельный народ, ориентированный на белорусов и украинцев только в пределах пограничных групп.[17]
Целенаправленное изучение Белорусского Полесья в начале ХХ в. проводит А Сержпутовский („Белорусы-полешуки" ). Теории полесско-волынской колыбели славян посвящены работы польских исследователей З. Рисевича, М. Фасмера, Я Растафинского, М. Фасмер свою теорию обосновал наличием в Полесье общеславянской гидронимики. Гипотезе полесской прародины славян посвящены работы польского археолога Т. Сулимирского. Используя данные лингвистического и этнографического изучения Полесья некоторые польские исследователи пришли к выводу, что полешуки составляют отдельную этническую группу, отличающуюся от украинцев и белорусов [5, С.18-19]
Такого же мнения придерживался и А. Киркор, по мнению которого, «не мало этнографических особенностей» отличают полешуков «даже от соседей белорусов или малорусов». При этом к полешукам он относил население Пинского, Речицкого и Мозырского уездов [18, С. 345.]
Послевоенные исследования Полесья проходили в ключе советской историографии и декларирования слияния социалистических наций в новую историческую общность — советский народ. Вопросы этнографии Полесья затрагивались Л. А. Молчановой, В.С. Гурковым, Л.И. Минько, В. С. Титовым, С. А. Милюченковой, С. Ф. Терехиной, Н. И. Бураковской, В. К. Бондарчиком, И. В. Чаквиным и другими.

Документы и материалы:
Описание полешуков из очерка П. Шпилевского "Путешествие по Полесью и Белорусскому краю""
За неимением лучшего, поблизости, мест для прогулок, ново-брестчане гуляют также по песчаной, довольно неровной набережной Буга и любуются на ряды бесчисленных барок и стругов, пригоняемых из Пинского уезда кавтуноватыми пинчуками. Нужно заметить, что эти добрые и наивные пинчуки в огромных дегтярных сапогах и засмоленных зипунах стоят внимания а в особенности внимания тех, которые никогда не видели их. Не говорю о том, что вас поразит и остановит оригинальное, народное местное их наречие полесское, не совсем понятное для жителей великорусских губерний. Но сколько бы удовольствия и наслаждения испытали вы если бы увидели, какие они употребляют они жесты, телодвижения, размахи рук, когда объясняются меж собой дружески."
(Шпилевский П. Путешествие по Полесью и Белорусскому краю// Современник. — 1853. — Т.39. — №6. — С.75-98)
З блога - Юрген Полещук

"Anyone who saw in National Socialism only political movement, little is known about him."
Adolf Hitler.
On developments in the Third Reich "flying plates" knows a lot today, but issues over the years, not less. How the Germans succeeded in this? Who helped him? Were the work stopped after a war or continued in other, secret parts of the globe? It is untrue rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Now generally recognized that the foundation was laid ideology of fascism secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state. (More). Renowned scholar "potustoronnego" K. Velazquez argued that some occult "keys" provide information and technological nature. In particular, drawings and descriptions of "flying discs", according to their characteristics far exceed aeronautical engineering at the time.

According to unverified rumours, in 1936 in the area of the city Freyburga (Freiburg) Germany crashed UFOs. His discovered, and possibly German scientists society Vril (Vril) with the support of the organization were able to repair the SS and made to work his energy and propulsion system.

However, attempts to reproduce them on Earth ended in failure. Therefore, LA and there was one copy. During the period 1936 - 1945's. alien system developed under the new corps, gets the usual features, such as boarding poles, antennas and armament. 4 apparatus have been established, conditionally Vril 1-4. The first discs are held only machine-gun armament, on the last disc Vril-4 judging by the photos was installed tower tank Pz-V Panther

Interestingly, in the archives of the Third Reich found drawings, explaining the principles of "zakrutki thin physical fields to create some tehnomagicheskie apparatus. One of the developers tehnomagicheskih devices is considered a famous scientist Dr. VO Noise. If you believe the testimony, his electrodynamic machines, use the quick rotation, not only changed the structure of time around him, but vapors in the air.

I now difficult to trace the source, but already mentioned Velazquez in his book "Under the single sky" writes somewhat different:
"... Such information for its own channels, and was received by the" TULE. "Plate", built on the drawings received "kontakterami" this society, received the code name "Schütz" and was further equipped with rocket boosters, which led to her disaster, which occurred in Norway in the winter of 1940. Judging by the secrecy with which made everything work, there is every reason to believe that Hitler never has been advised of these experiments ...
... The next generation of "flying plates" series was "Haunebu". As is clear from the documentary secret U.S. Air Force intelligence "UFO in the Third Reich" allocated to me in mysterious circumstances in these devices used some of the ideas and technologies of ancient Hindus. Engines for "Haunebu" designed by prominent Austrian scientist in the field of fluid motion Shtauberg Walter (probably because there is Victor Shauberger). All work personally oversee Gimlerom, who spared no to finance such ambitious projects no funds. With the help of an additional appropriation was set up experimental design center SS with expanded opportunities - "Bouvet-IV", which soon was developed specifically secret project "flying plates" - "Hauneburu-X-Boot" a diameter of 26 meters. As an engine for "Hauneburu-X-Boot" has been applied so-called "eternal engine" - tahionator-70 meters in diameter 23. The Office conducted through the magnetic field pulse generator under the symbol "A 4-sic". Staff could develop practical speed of approximately 6000 km / hour, but by increasing traction engine scheduled to reach speeds four times greater ...
But the most important achievement was the adaptation of German designers dish to the most is that either the emergency conditions that make it the most is that neither is currently on the spacecraft, with its normal capacity was nothing less - 100 tons. Series production of this model scheduled for 1944, but by that time was tested next, improved version - "Hauneburus-I", was intended to deal with maritime air squadron enemy. Diameter "dish" was 76 metres, and there have been installed with four cannon towers battleships "Lyuttsov", each of which was mounted on three 203 mm caliber shells. In March 1945, this "chocolate" has committed one revolution around the Earth at an altitude of more than 40 kilometers and landed in Japan, at the naval base the Japanese fleet in Kure, where tamoshnem shipyard board guns replaced by nine Japanese 460 mm caliber shells with linkora "Yamato". In the motion "Hauneburus-I" caused the engine to free energy, which has used virtually inexhaustible energy gravity ...."

When Velasquez-lift claimed that "a gigantic dish" "Hauneburus-I" never been able to raise the tower with four battleships "Lyuttsov", only one cannon barrel which weighed over 50 tons and were 12 such trunks. By this weight must be added the weight of the towers (4 x 1000 tonnes) as well as the weight of ammunition and machinery. With artillery Japanese linkora "Yamato" "Honeburusu" it would be much more difficult to handle because the weight of each fully equipped towers stood at 2510 tons and there were three. But even if Velasquez was wrong, and payload "flying dish was crazy, all these armed (or at least a small part of it) could never fitted on board of their dimensions. The size of the tower linkora "Yamato" are 15 x 20 m deep shaft artillery - 13 m. The disc diameter of 70 m and a height of 30 m in all of this armament simply nowhere to be placed.

So it probably should be more prosaic version to believe that the drafts of these devices were helicopters discs with the device located inside rotor.

"... Machine series" Haunebu "of a hat with a high thulium, is the air intake, there is also a cabin crew." Interestingly external similarity of the project with flying plate "Adamskogo." (Incidentally, this is now considered a snapshot of fabrication)

The interest shown by the leaders of Germany prior to World War II to the distant and lifeless area of the globe, a reasonable explanation if not found. In the meantime attention to Antarctica was exceptional. (After the discovery in Antarctica in 1961 - year richest deposits of uranium was all us their location.

A civilian expedition idea (with the state. The support and cooperation of Lufthansa) in Antarctica. The expedition was to explore a part of the mainland, with the subsequent statement of its German origin.

Was selected for the expedition ship "Schwabenland", used in 1934, for the transatlantic postal traffic. An important feature of the ship was gidroplan Dornier "Wal" (Kit). He could start with a steam catapult on the stern of the ship and after the flight again to board by crane. The ship was prepared for the expedition to the Hamburg shipyards.

The crew of the ship was selected and trained the German society of polar research. Command of the expedition took polar explorer Captain A. Ritsher (Alfred Ritscher), until then has participated in several expeditions to the North Pole. The budget of the expedition was about 3 million reyhsmarok.
Schwabenland left Hamburg on December 17, 1938 g, and headed to Antarctica on a scheduled route. The ship reached the pack (coastal) of ice on January 19 at 4 ° 15 'west latitude, 69 ° 10' E longitude.

During the following weeks ship gidroplan committed 15 flights surveyed approximately 600 thousand Apt. km territory. This amounted to almost one-fifth of the continent. Using a special camera Zeis RMK 38 was done 11 thousand photographed images and 350 thousand Apt. km Antarctica. In addition to the registration of valuable information, the plane every 25 km flight dumped pennants expedition. The territory was named Neuschwabenland (New Swabia) and declared the German. It is now a name still used along with the new (from 1957) - Queen Maud Land.

The most interesting discovery expedition was the discovery of small areas free of ice, with small lakes and vegetation. Geologists expedition assumed that this was a consequence of actions of underground hot springs.
In mid-February 1939, Schwabenland left Antarctica. In the two months reverse path captain of the expedition Ritsher systematized the results of the studies, maps and photographs.

Returning to Hamburg expedition commander Ritsher April 12, 1939 raportoval: "I met the mission entrusted to me marshal Geringom. For the first time the German planes flew over the Antarctic continent. Every 25 kilometres of our planes dropped pennants. We have covered an area approximately 600 thousand square kilometers. Of They were photographed 350 thousand. "

After returning Ritsher planned to take up preparations for the second expedition, using aircraft with ski landing gear, probably for further investigation "warm" zone of Antarctica. However, because of the outbreak of the Second World expedition did not take place.

For the follow-German research in Antarctica and the establishment there was a secret base. By the shores of Antarctica secretly went submarine. The writer and historian M. Demidenko said that, without reading top SS archives, he found documents indicating that the squadron submarines during the expedition to the Queen Maud Land found whole system of interconnected caves with warm air. "My submariners found this earthly paradise" - to drop then Denits. And in 1943 from his mouth sounded and other mysterious phrase: "The German submarine fleet is proud that at the other end of light created impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."

Within five years the Germans had carefully hiding work to create Antarctica Nazi secret base, code-named "Base 211". Anyway, it expresses a number of independent researchers. According to eyewitnesses, already since the beginning of 1939, between Antarctica and Germany began regular (quarterly) Flights research vessel "Swabia." Bergman in his book "The German flying dish" asserts that from this year and for several years in Antarctica constantly shipped gornoprohodcheskoe equipment and other equipment, including rail roads, trolly and millers for huge shaft tunnel. Apparently, used to deliver cargo and submarines. And not only ordinary. (As you can see uranium version is confirmed

Retired U.S. Colonel Uindel Stevens (Wendelle C. Stivens) announced: "Our exploration, where I worked at the end of the war, it was known that the Germans are building very large cargo eight submarines (not on whether they were installed converters Kolera? - V. S. ) And they were all launched on the water, staffed and more have disappeared without trace. Until this day we have no notion of where they are gone. They are not on the ocean bottom, and they do not exist in any port, about which we know. This is a mystery, but it can be disclosed through the Australian documentary film which shows the great German submarine cargo in Antarctica, ice around them, crews are on the decks in anticipation of stopping at the pier. "

By the end of the war, argues Stevens, the Germans had nine research enterprises, which faced projects "flying discs". "Eight of these enterprises, along with scientists and key figures were successfully evacuated from Germany. Ninth building blown up ... We have classified information that some of these research enterprises transported to the place called" New Swabia "... Today it can be has decent size range. Maybe there are these big cargo submarine. We believe that in Antarctica were transported at least one (or more) to develop enterprise drives. We have information that one was evacuated to the Amazon region, and the other - on the northern coast of Norway, where many German population. They were evacuated in secret underground facilities. "

Known researchers Antarctic secrets Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Chayldress argue that since 1942, using submarines to the South Pole have been transferred thousands uznakov concentration (labour), as well as prominent scientists, pilots and policies with families and members gitleryugenda - the gene pool of future "clean" race.

Besides mysterious giant submarines were used for these purposes at least hundreds of serial-class submarines "U", including the top connection "Fyurera Convoy", consisting of 35 submarines. At the very end of the war in Kiel with these elite submarines had withdrawn all military equipment and containers loaded with some valuable cargo. Submarine also took on board some mysterious passengers and a large quantity of food. Reliably known about the fate of only two boats from the convoy. One of them, "U-530", under the command of 25 - Otto summer Vermauta April 13, 1945 withdrew from Kiel and delivered to Antarctica and the Third Reich relics guise things Hitler, as well as passengers, the person who hid surgical bandages. Another, "U-977, commanded by Heinz Sheffera later repeated this route, but what and whom they are carried, unknown.

Both submarine summer of 1945 (10 July and 17 August respectively) arrived in the Argentine port of Mar del Plata and surrendered to authorities. It is unclear how this type submarines could stay at sea so much time when the autonomy of the Group of Seven does not exceed seven weeks. Submariners feel very good - when it is waiting for them, sent the Argentine minesweeper podkarmlivali albatross sardines in oil. As in other cases, interrogations of German submariners yielded nothing. At least, that is the official point of view. But at the end of 1946, known Admiral Richard E. Byrd (Byrd) led the expedition in "New Schwab." However that was appointed leader of the expedition is not surprising Berg, 30 - years of it has already led the American Antarctic expedition.

Operation "High jump" (High Jump) was disguised as an ordinary research expedition, and not all guess that went to the shores of Antarctica powerful naval squadron. Aircraft carrier, 13 different types of ships, 25 aircraft and helicopters, more than four thousand people, half-stock products - these figures speak for themselves.

The Nazis established in ice southern continent underground fortresses to take flight from Germany Fuhrer. After the war there tested mysterious aircraft, and stood on alert missile launchers. Historians explain what facts based on this theory is impressive.

Since 1938, German warships are beginning to run regularly in Antarctica. According to scientific theory, which believes in the Nazi leadership, the Earth inside the field, and in the region of Antarctica are entrances to the giant underground cavities. Since 1940, at the personal direction of the Fuhrer starting to build two shelters east of the Weddell Sea in Queen Maud Land, a vast area along the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between the western and 20 ° 44 ° 38 'E longitude. Thus, at least, argue fans of conspiracy theories.

Until the end of the war in secret team erected large caves where the alleged strongholds "New Swabia" and "New Berhtesgaden" with food and independent system for life on the roads face new types of submarines, underground airfields based jets, but remained on alert rockets with nuclear warheads. After the war there were to find refuge surviving Nazis, the approximate Martin Bormann, Hitler and Eva Braun, or at least, urns with their ashes.

All the above has anything sexual fantasy lovers fish in the troubled waters of history.

About this widely to trumpet legend in the tabloids print, Internet and cheap popular scientific literature. Recently, a polar researcher thoroughly proshtudiroval book "Hitler's Base in Antarctica". The results of his research he presented at 21 - and the January page numbers of specialized authoritative journal "Polar Record".

"Were in Antarctica German submarines U-530 and U-977?", "Vzryvali there atomic bombs?", "Is on the South Pole five ballistic missiles," the FAA "?", "Could be Destroyed" Noyberhtesgaden " in 1958 through 3 of American atomic bombs? "- to these and other issues that for decades opinions Laity, competently meet American Colin Sammerhays (Colin Summerhayes) and his Canadian co-author Peter Biching (Peter Beeching).

"It was great pleasure to work on the topic - said in an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE polar explorer Sammerhays - if all these theories have been caused only" a very serious look at Antarctica ".

"We thought: what if write, as the situation looked really - and why could not happen in another way", - so the scientist explained why he had to knit in a dispute with dilettante.

"Enter a Google search on the words" Nazis "and" Antarctica ", - Sammerhays continues, pointing out that more than 800 thousand first discovered so will tell these legends.

"Enter a Google search on the words" Nazis "and" Antarctica ", - Sammerhays continues, pointing out that more than 800 thousand first discovered so will tell these legends.

The historian Holger Meding (Holger Meding) from the University of Cologne, which specializes mainly in the Anglo-Saxon history, often faced with these legends. He expert on the history of Latin America, writes about German immigration to South America, including also the old Nazis. "In recent months from Spanish-speaking countries have sent me 5 or 6 books, in which fuel these myths", - historian shared his observations.

"Reports of bases in Antarctica come from representatives across the political spectrum. The first publication met more frequently in the left press, and were directed against the Nazis ", - argues Meding.

In postwar Argentine these tales serve criticized right government Perona, who attributed the support from some dubious Nazis.

By the legendary creators of this myth relates, and enjoys the notorious Canadian neo-Nazi Ernst Tsyundel (Ernst Zündel), who under the pseudonym Christoph Friedrich (Christof Friedrich) in 70 - wrote a couple of years, e books. "Tsyundel from this then made a heroic history:" We're still here ", - continues to tell Meding.

For the first time, "historically unjustified" legend of the fortress in Antarctica was published in 1947 in Buenos Aires book "Hitler está vivo" ( "Hitler is alive")-Hungarian emigre Ladislav Sabo (Ladiszlav Szab ó). He wrote there on the "new Hitler's Berchtesgaden in Antarctica". "But to write such a book were a few occasions - believed Meding - which was not complete nonsense".

December 17, 1938 ship "Shvabenland" withdrew from the harbor of Hamburg and approximately one month - 19.01. In 1938 - reached the coast of Antarctica in 4 degrees 15 'west longitude and 69 degrees 10' latitude. The expedition was led by Captain Alfred Ritsher (Alfred Ritscher), composed of teams which were a significant number of engineers, geophysicists, oceanographers and zoology, has been studying whales. The main task - the study of the continent through the flights over its territory and the release of steel pennants with the swastika.

Two seaplanes type Dornier Whal, named "Boreas" (in honor of Boreya - the god of the north wind - Ed.) And "Passat", with several 38 mm cameras on board each day for several hours were in the air. They made 11 thousand 600,000 square images. km territory. In the archives preserved photos of mountain peaks, a height of 4000 meters, and endless ice desert. One area got its name in honor of the expedition leader Ritsherland.

However, as claimed Sammerhays and Biching: "In all these stories there are only a tiny grain of truth".

1). In fact, the Argentine harbour Mar de la Plata in July and August 1945, announced two German submarines U-530 and U-977. The members of the crews of both boats in vain tried to escape captivity, skryvshis in South America. Not only because of lack of fuel stocks, submarines could not deliver the goods or passengers on the Queen Maud Land, as the creators versions of the Fuhrer to escape the South Pole. "These people simply forget that summer here reigns terrible cold absolute darkness", - stresses Sammerhays. Metre thickness of the ice prevented the submarine would emerge in the right place.

2). Imaginary British command operation code-named "Tabarin", in which soldiers allegedly attended an elite SAS unit - pure fiction, too. The sources, which spoke of this operation, very unreliable. On the contrary, the British archives Sammerhays Biching and found only information that the British royal marine fleet is not put to their subordinates the task of organizing the Antarctic expedition "Tabarin", because even in July conveyed its implementation to civilian authorities. Finally, the special SAS in October 1945, was abolished and recreated again only in 1948.

3). The key element of the legend tells of the fictional British defeat of the German defenders of "ice fortresses". Then fantasy did not know very much limits. The American military operation "Highjump" ( "High jump"), which was held in the winter of 1946/1947 he was., Supposedly intended to destroy the remaining Nazis living in fortresses. In a fictitious operation involved some 4700 soldiers, 33 aircraft and 13 ships - it would be the largest military operation on the southern continent. "But Americans have not shown any interest in Queen Maud Land", - underscore Sammerhays and Biching.

4). Of the one made by the commander of Operation "Haydzhamp" Richard Byrd Tale-Tellers legend composed of stories that the Nazis created in Antarctica flying plates. In fact, Byrd attributed a quotation from the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" incorrectly translated into English. The authors of the study note that Byrd talked not about the Nazi UFOs, and the possible "invading enemy planes from the polar region" - under which he, of course, meant a Soviet aircraft.

5). However, the most brutal, though most sensational allegation is a fabrication of nuclear attack, allegedly caused by "Noyberhtesgadenu" the United States. Three atomic bombs the Americans, in fact, blew up in 1958 south of Cape Town in atmospheric layers at an altitude of 160 to 750 km, between 2200 and 3500 km north of Queen Maud Land. These data are available in the archives of the army, which had long been secret.

Countries victorious in the Second World War, each in its own way, too, have strengthened the legend: "The atmosphere of secrecy is always a basis for producing myths", - believed Meding.

… In 1950, Captain C. Moreno, commander of the Argentine ship Navy, wrote the following report:

"In 16 hours. 10 minutes. March 24 crew of our ship seen in the skies over the island into Antarctic Disepshn object that was neither aeroplanom nor the satellite, weather balloon and nor any of the famous aircraft."

In June and July 1950, followed by a series of observations UFOs in the sky by Chilean and Argentine Antarctic weather. The Brazilian newspaper O'Estado "in July 1950, reported looked like one of those UFOs:

"… The object was inswept form, its surface flow from red to green. Zigzag machine flying in a westerly direction, changing course several times and speed. The object remained stationary for about 20 minutes at an altitude of 5000 meters. Peredvigalsya it in full silence" .

In September 1950, Officer A. Orrego Chilean Navy photographed a very large object flying inswept form manoeuvre in the sky of the Chilean Antarctic.

February 19, 1956 Group of Chilean biologists flew by helicopter to the island in a sea of Vendella Robertson to take up his studies of flora and fauna. Weather was storm. At 9 o'clock. 10 min. radio stopped working. Suddenly, quite close to the helicopter shows two vertical inswept object. They blesteli in the rays of the sun. After 15 minutes, one of the sites suddenly changed the situation on the horizontal and flew in a westerly direction. In doing so, it lost its metallic luster and began to flow all the colours of dark-red to purple. The second object is doing dizzying maneuvers: moving zigzag, stopped abruptly, instantly accelerating, and all this totally silently. Such a "demonstration" lasted about five minutes. Then the facility has changed its color and instantly disappeared.

U researchers in the helicopter were two Geiger counter. They showed that radioactivity at the time of emergence of UFOs increased 40 times.

Five years later the Brazilian meteorologist R. Villena who has participated in the American Antarctic Expedition, also witnessed the emergence of UFOs. Villa was on board the icebreaker in the area of King George Island. Suddenly, a strange light beam crossed the sky. "Launch!" -- Cried a crew member. "No, this meteorite," - responded another. Villa recorded in his diary:

"The shape and color of the object, flash of light produced by them - all this seemed very unusual. On our planet there is no such equipment.."

Another member of the expedition described the UFO as follows:

"The object was multicoloured, had oval. He left a long red-orange trace. Suddenly, he collapsed into two parts, as if exploded. Each part of the light white, blue and red, throwing over a rays in the form of letters at the end of V. ends of both parts descended very low, and almost go over the most ice, instantly disappeared over the horizon. "

Navy officially registered the incident as the emergence of "meteor or some other glowing object."

Space Review, a monthly magazine ufologichesky in Connecticut, October 13, 1963 published an article in which, inter alia, stated:

"At the very end of the Second World War, when Germany was already defeated, a group of German scientists and military fled and settled in Antarctica, where the aircraft became develop, based on advanced technologies.

Interestingly, the allies nedoschitalis 250 thousand Germans, even taking into account those killed. What if were among the missing and scientists involved in aviation? This assumption is confirmed by the fact that at the eve of war Germans invaded in Antarctica, declaring it part of the Third Reich. "

… German submarines frequently appeared in the southern Atlantic. In 1942, Captain Gerlach archipelago Goug investigated as a possible base for radars and camps for prisoners. April 4, 1944 British submarine sunk the German submarine U-859. 47 crew members were killed, but 20 were saved. After 30 years one of the escaped told that the boat was a secret shipment of mercury. It is known that mercury is used for the production of certain fuels. Some light on the interest of Germans to Antarctica sheds statement commander of the German submarine fleet K. Denitsa, that "the German submarine fleet rebuilt in another part of the world in the impregnable fortress".

July 10, 1945 German submarine U-530 surrendered Argentine authorities. Behind this mysterious event. U-530 went into the sea on May 22, 1944. Where she was between those dates - it is not known. U-977 submarine emerged from Kristiansenda May 2, 1945 and went to the South Atlantic. The boat surrendered U.S. Navy on November 13. No information about its actions during this period no.

… There is a mysterious fact. The allies have determined that disappeared during the war, 54 German submarines, of which only 11 could to tear at the mine.

In 1968, the U.S. Antarctic expeditions organized under the name "Big leap." Officially, its purpose was geographical, meteorological and other studies. But the operation was attended by military helicopters, planes, aircraft carriers ... No reports on the results of the expedition in print not leaked. From this we may conclude that the "Great leap" has some secret mission, perhaps looking for a German military base.

After 20 years, one participant "Greater leap" gave an interview to the newspaper "Sunday Times". He explained that during the expedition pilots found on the coast of Antarctica small area not covered with ice. There were a lot of lakes and little vegetation. The water in the lakes has been warm. Later it turned out that one of the lake connects with the open sea sleeve. This was an ideal place to hide submarine.

So, the question remains open. Could the Germans create their secret base in Antarctica? Is it possible that their scientists and engineers have created there supersamolety, flying at prohibitive rates from pole to pole?

Maybe the descendants of Germans, to avoid surrender, still cherished the idea of establishing peace and create the Third Reich?


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